Every year about this time I realize that I haven't posted anything to my fledgling blog in quite some time. Darn it. I get caught up in all the other cool stuff I'm doing. I'm a deadline person, and fortunately or not, no one lets me know when the next installment is due! I need to utilize my calendar better for this purpose. It's already covered in red, blue, and black ink with all of the things the kids and I need to take care of. :)
We've had a really weird winter here in Central Iowa. It's been incredibly mild. Secretly, well okay, maybe not so secretly, I love that! But, it worries me what is going to happen to our growing season. I'm anxious to get out into the garden. I've been drooling over all of the heirloom plant varieties that I am going to try this year. I have my starter trays ready to plant my heirloom tomatoes in and I'm already contemplating planting potatoes in this cool 'potato bag' I found recently. It unzips from the bottom, so that you can harvest potatoes as they are ready. I'm so hoping it really works!! The girls love to dig up potatoes.
Signs of spring are everywhere, even if it is only the end of February. My tulips and asiatic lilies are poking up through the ground. Last Thursday we had a couple inches of rain and then it snowed a couple. Now it's all melting. We're planning a walk today. Looking forward to that warm sun on our faces. I need to be better about posting. I have lots of fun things to share with you.
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